Our Journey

About Old Soul Supply Company

        In February of 2021, Jessica Stetson announced that after 10 years of working as a professional photographer, she would be closing her portrait studio to follow her dream of opening a retail store. She had a desire to create a unique storefront that offered an eclectic array of goods; Vintage clothing and hardgoods, handmade items from local vendors such as jewelry and ceramics, imported goods like incense and handcrafted textiles. With a focus on mostly quality vintage goods, as well as the nickname she acquired as a child, the store would soon be called Old Soul Collective.

She opened her store in the very spot her studio was located, in the heart of downtown Skowhegan. After three short months, she expanded her business to a new location in downtown Waterville, offering more than three times the space to accommodate her vision. The historic building had the character she dreamt of with it’s original exposed brick walls, giant windows and hardwood floors. However, the final selling point of this new retail location was it’s previous tenants; the legendary Sign of the Sun.

This new space served Old Soul Collective very well, and also served as a home for over 40+ local vendors in it’s time. OSC established a connection with the community and served as a safe and peaceful space for all in it’s nearly three years of operation. Many changes took place in those three years that directly influenced the inception of Old Soul Supply Company.

After forming a partnership in May 2023, the store then known as Old Soul Collective took on a more upbeat and commercialized turn in the inventory and experience it offered. While it was successful and enjoyed by many, there was a dream and a vision that Jessica Stetson held onto that had yet to be fulfilled.

With the turn of the new year, life also brought new obstacles. Rather than crumble and forfeit to the weight of personal struggles, Jessica chose to close the doors that no longer served her and opened new ones that fulfilled her. It was during this journey to heal that she decided that it was time to say goodbye to Old Soul Collective, and hello to Old Soul Supply Company.

Jessica is currently thriving on the excitement from working to get back to her roots. Her passion for sourcing and preserving quality vintage garments, her immense love for the outdoors and fishing, and her mission to honor the history and preservation of the state of Maine echoes infinitely throughout her new storefront. Though her doors are not open yet, the hard work and dedication is abundant, nearly overflowing her new four walls and into the streets of downtown Waterville.